Spring Skiing Update
March 28, 2021 Arapahoe Basin – Covid Lessons – We at conSKierge have been wondering what from the Covid era will survive in the ski industry. The iconic Colorado ski area, Arapahoe Basin, is giving us some indication. Two years ago Arapahoe bailed on the Epic pass after its die hard local crowd screamed about […]
March 23, 2021 How many times is there no street sign and you can’t tell your buddy what corner you are on? Or you are at a concert or outdoor event and you have agreed to connect with others at the place that serves sandwiches only to discover there are 4 such places?! Or worse […]
A conversation with Seth Masia, Skiing History
March 15, 2021 I think I can honestly say I have no serious regrets after 66 years. Well, ok I have a few, but they should not be put in print format, and fortunately they aren’t relevant to skiing, so you will be spared. I will admit that I occasionally ponder why I didn’t dive […]
Avalanches, yes more avalanches
March 15, 2021 Avalanches – tired of that word yet? Yes, folks, it has been a big year for these puppies, with disastrous consequences. Excuse the phrase, but it has been a perfect storm. Covid fears have pushed people away from lift lines, ski lodging and $15 burgers. And the North American snow gods have […]
Snow Reports - What the Ski Areas Don't Want You to Know
March 4, 2021 Even in Covid times when there is a lot to figure out before one heads for the slopes, the most important thing we want to know is – how is the damn skiing!! If the skiing isn’t good, why figure out all that other stuff. As you might suspect, we at conSKierge […]
The latest from the ski world
February 23, 2021 Despite fears that this winter would be a disaster for the ski industry given the damn virus, the season has settled into a nice rhythm. The northeast and much of the west (except for the northwest and BC) had a slow start primarily due to mother nature not coming through with enough […]
Road Trip - Montana
February 17, 2021 Did Someone say ROAD TRIP?! Most normal skiers think about skiing perhaps three months of the year. We at conSKIerge aren’t normal. We have been known in the heat of August not only to dream of skiing daily but plan the next road trip while drinking our gin and tonics. At least […]
Covid Update #4
Photo NY Magazine, David Zalubowski/AP/Shutterstock February 15, 2021 You don’t need us to tell you the damn virus is still with us. And surprise surprise, the ski industry continues to struggle with it. The good news is that generally we have been able to avoid large outbreaks such as the ones that closed the resorts […]
"Ski It If You Can" - We Can and We Did
February 7, 2021 7:30 AM Mad River Glen Report for February 3rd: 18 degrees; freezing drizzle upper mountain; snow flurries at base; “biting” north wind 10-20 mph; no new snow Me: Probably no need to get first chair! My brother: Ah come on, the west has spoiled you. I bet the wind has blown in […]
Getting Angry Out There
February 1, 2021 While we like to think of our sport as serene and peaceful, every once in a while there is some anger out there. Sharing odds and ends in ski news you may have missed from this past week. California Snowstorm – as predicted (see our article CA Mother of All Storms) this […]
CA Mother of All Storms
Up on the Rooftop: Deep Snow at Meyers, South Lake Tahoe, April 1969 (Photo Credit: Mark McLaughlin) January 6, 2021 At first we thought it was a typo! In checking the weather predictions and ski reports for the week, Mammoth in southern CA was slated to get 110 inches. But there it was – a […]
Covid Update
January 18, 2021 Most of the ski industry has been open and largely functioning since early December. We thought it was, therefore, a good time to check around the country on the effects of Covid on the sport. The good news is that we seem unlikely to see a complete shutdown of the industry like […]
Powder Skiing, The Grateful Dead & a Buoy
January 8, 2021 What does a Pacific Ocean weather buoy, the Grateful Dead and Utah powder have in common? (This is not a trick question!) We explain below. I was on the Wildcat lift at Alta when I first heard about this weird internet post called Powder Buoy. Wildcat, affectionately known as “The Kitty”, is […]